Browsing Amen Corner

Amen Corner - September 19, 2021

Written by Kathy Kuczka

Next Sunday at the 11:00 a.m. Mass, and continuing each Sunday at that Mass, we will again offer what is known as a Children’s Liturgy of the Word. This is a program where young children leave the church near the beginning of Mass to hear the Scripture readings proclaimed and explained at a level that is appropriate to their understanding.

When the children leave the sanctuary, they go to the parish hall to celebrate their own Liturgy of the Word. They light candles, listen to the readings, sing the psalm and the Gospel acclamation, listen to the Gospel and a reflection suitable to their age. They profess the Creed and pray the prayers of the faithful. The children then join the adults in the church just before the Liturgy of the Eucharist. The Children’s Liturgy of the Word follows the same format that takes place in the church, but in ways that are easier for children to grasp. For example, a children’s lectionary may be used to help children more easily understand the scriptures. 

We believe that the Children’s Liturgy of the Word will help to root our young people in ritual prayer. Not long after the Second Vatican Council made liturgical participation the core of its teaching on the liturgy, the Vatican promulgated the Directory for Masses with Children. This 1973 document offers guidelines for adapting the Mass for children so that they may gradually take a more active and conscious part in the full Eucharistic assembly.

Children’s Liturgy of the Word not only provides an opportunity for children to hear the Word in a way that speaks to them more effectively, it allows them an opportunity to engage in conversations about the Sunday Scripture and how it applies to their lives-- conversations that they will want to continue with their parents on the ride home and beyond!

If you would like to help shepherd this ministry or would like more information, please contact Kathy Kuczka,


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